Most Aetna PPO, Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO, Blue Choice PPO, and Optum PPO plans are accepted on an in-network basis*. Sessions are billed to insurance at the following rates (doctoral-level clinician fees are listed in parentheses):
>52-minute session: $220)
<53-minute session: $170
Intake evaluation: $250
Group psychotherapy: $60**
Most patients pay a copayment only. If you are required to pay a coinsurance, you may be responsible for a certain percentage of the allowable service fee. If you have not met your deductible, you may be responsible for the full contracted service fee until your deductible is met.
*Prospective patients are responsible for verifying their benefits if there is any concern about eligibility for in-network treatment and costs. Information provided here is an estimate only.
Enrolled patients hold full responsibility for resolving their balances, including when claims are denied by insurance carriers. Denied claims may result in enrolled patients converting to "self-pay" status unexpectedly.
**Groups are subject to availability.
Self-Pay or
For individual psychotherapy, self-pay services are billed at a flat rate of $170.
Patients are entitled to receive superbills and to submit these to out-of-network insurance carriers. While many patients receive partial reimbursement for services via this method, there are no guarantees. Read more about superbills here.
All Medicaid and Medicare plans are out-of-network and not accepted, even if offered under the Aetna, Blue Cross, or Optum branding.
Certain administrative requirements may incur additional out-of-pocket fees not covered by insurance, such as requested letter-writing, chart review, phone calls or email exchanges which require more than a few minutes (billed in 15-minute increments), or court appearances. This list is not exhaustive. Fees associated with adjunctive services are covered within initial paperwork and are available upon request.
Career coaching sessions are billed on a self-pay basis at the following rates:
60-minute session: $100
30-minute session: $60
60-minute group: $30*
*Groups are subject to availability.
Resume writing packages are available:
Resume: $250
30-minute initial consultation
Draft resume delivered
30-minute joint review
Revised resume delivered
Resume & Cover Letter: $300
30-minute initial consultation
Draft resume delivered
Draft cover letter delivered
30-minute joint review
Revised resume delivered
Revised cover letter delivered
Resume and cover letter services for current clients are billed based on the hourly rate for the number of hours spent outside of meetings